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Inter-American Division
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 Inter-American Division
Welcomes you

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Inter-American Division
Welcomes you

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Message from

Dr. Elie Henry

Inter-America Division President

    "Dear leaders and members,

    In today's world, families face numerous challenges. The Church in Inter-America is committed to ministering to everyone, in spite of the family configuration to which they are identified. Our mission is to bring hope, healing, and restoration to all. The family is one of the vehicles through which we must seek to fulfill our mission.

    Our message is rooted in the teachings of Jesus and the principles found in the Bible. We believe that by following these teachings, families can experience love, joy, and peace. Through the scriptures, we offer guidance on building strong marriages, raising children with values, navigating the challenges that life throws our way and present Christ as the Savior of all..

    While we focus on the social dynamics involving families and provide practical assistance to those in need, we are even more committed to providing spiritual support to all within each society of the Inter-American Division. Our ultimate goal is in the Vision statement of the Division, “Every member of the body of Christ living in readiness for the Kingdom of God”.

    The strong focus of the Church in Inter-America for the year 2024 is “All the Family in Mission”. Our desire is to help every member experience growth in the faith of Christ and their commitment to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, as well as serving in their community while influencing others to accept Christ and become members of the Church.

    I invite each of you to join us in this mission. Whether you are seeking support for your own family or have a heart to help others, there is a place for you in our community of believers. Together, we can make a difference and bring hope to families around our territory.

    Thank you for your support, and may God bless you and your family abundantly as we participate in “All the Family in Mission”.

    So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.” 32 Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house. 33 And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes. And immediately he and all his family were baptized.

    Message from

    Balvin Braham

    Inter-America Division Vice President

      "As director of the “All the Family in Mission” evangelistic initiative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church here in the Inter-American Division, it is with great joy and enthusiasm that I greet you, as we share our vision of greater social support, abundant spiritual harvest of the families and all peoples within our territory.

      We understand that families come in all shapes and sizes and, despite their different characteristics, they are experiencing difficulties in one way or another. As a church, we are committed to providing support and resources so that all our members can engage in mission, encouraging families to accept Christ and those who have already accepted Him to grow in their faith.

      So whether you are a single person, a single parent, a blended family, or facing any other unique circumstance, we invite all church members to participate in this special mission initiative. Strong, healthy churches and societies are built on the foundation of socially and spiritually healthy families who are on mission for our Lord.

      Through the evangelistic initiative & "All the Family in Mission", we aim to bring hope, healing and restoration not only to families but to all who need transformation that is provided only through Christ. The program is made up of four important segments: i) growing in faith, ii) serving in the community, iii) sharing the faith and iv) Reaping the harvest for the Kingdom of God.

      I invite all members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Inter-American Division to join us in this All the Family in Mission. Together and through the power of the Holy Spirit, let us work for the Salvation of all because, He will soon be here!"

      Message from

      Melchor Ferreyra

      Inter-America Division Personal Ministries Director

        As part of the celebration of the year, “All the Family in Mission. The Division has created a conducive environment, with timely materials for the spiritual and missionary growth of all members of the church in the context of TMI.

        We want to emphasize four important aspects of the program All the Family in Mission:
        Firstly, that families grow in faith, secondly that they get involved in serving in the community, doing missionary project, thirdly, that they can share the Gospel with other families and individuals and fourthly that they work along with friends of their family to be ready for the kingdom of heaven.

        For all these objectives, we have created an appropriate strategy and materials, with the purpose that each member of each family can understand and learn basic aspects of the Bible principles that can help them in their spiritual growth and to share their faith with others.

        Ellen G. White

        "It is disbelief, worldliness, lack of consecration and contention among the professed of the Lord that has kept us in this world of sin and sadness for so many years ” (Ev. Pp. 695, 696).